Heres Why Online Gaming is Actually Beneficial – ES Design Portfolio

In addition, they can cause aggression, diction and depression. Online games have many benefits, and they can even be able to offset their drawbacks. Learn more about the benefits of gaming online for gamers.

Gamers perform better in mental and visual navigation. A study from 2015 conducted by the University of California pitted gamers against non-gamers. Researchers found that three-dimensional gamers had better results than those who play two-dimensional games, and those who don’t.

Games that are played on video (online as well as offline) can also provide the benefits of aiding skill in problem-solving. An analysis conducted in 2013 by Journal of Youth and Adolescence observed that people who played strategic games had better problem-solving ability than others who played. Games that involve strategic online play have been associated with higher scores.

Games that involve video also offer an added advantage of improved attention allocation. An study by Dr. Daphne Beverly MRI study revealed that those who played video games did better than those who did not. With the number of individuals suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder, this extended time to pay attention could be extremely helpful. wha1gtj9j1.